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How to Know Where to Start When Adopting a Child in Kansas – Reviewed by a Kansas Adoption Attorney

How to Know Where to Start When Adopting a Child in Kansas – Reviewed by a Kansas Adoption Attorney
December 1, 2015 James Greenier

Beginning to have the adoption conversation with yourself, your partner or your family can be an exciting yet overwhelming time. You may be flooded with questions of where to begin, who to talk to, how much will adoption cost, how long will it take and which agency to choose? Find comfort in knowing that you are not alone and many individuals and couples experience the need to answer the same questions and have the concerns you do.  Through conversations and discussing applicable issues with relevant people, you will be steps closer to successfully growing your family. An experienced and qualified Kansas Adoption Attorney can be a productive and proactive place to start to ensure you move forward efficiently. It will also benefit you to sufficiently educate yourself and prepare yourself as much as possible to avoid complications and delays.

The Benefit of Conversations

Whether you are newly considering adoption or you have already begun the process, there are many benefits to having conversations with a variety of people. In the beginning stages of adoption, it is helpful to discuss your expectations and ideals with your family members and close friends. It is also beneficial to talk to families you know or groups of people that have adopted and can share their experience and insight. Hearing how others proceeded and absorbing their advice regarding specific facets of adoption can help you decipher which path you will choose and give you more confidence throughout your journey. It is always best to have an organized and outlined plan when approaching and pursuing such a weighted and important time in your life. For you, your family and your future child, it is best to fully educate yourself as much as possible and that can begin with having conversations.

Kansas Specific Considerations

Kansas affords many adoption-friendly statutes and rules that make the adoption process rather easy and agreeable to all parties involved. For instance, a biological mother is able to sign her consent to adoption 12 hours after birth, which consequently shortens the waiting time at the hospital for prospective parents. It is important to note however, upon signature consent is final in the state of Kansas, and therefore there is also no revocation period. In addition, an adoption can be finalized immediately, which results in the ability for an adoption process to be finalized in as little as 2-3 weeks.

These specific and noteworthy considerations are important to be aware of as you continue through the process to ensure you plan accordingly and know what to expect as you proceed through the various states of adoption. This is not inclusive list however, and there are many more factors to be cognizant of. It can also be helpful to discuss your adoption expectations and plan with a qualified Kansas Adoption Attorney at the outset or regardless of where you are in the process.

Call an Experienced Kansas Adoption Attorney to Create a Successful Adoption Plan

The adoption process can be a very exciting yet overwhelming time, and it best to ensure that you are as organized and prepared as possible. Call our seasoned Kansas Adoption Attorney today at (316) 633-4322 to get the answers you, your family and your child deserve.