Stepparent Adoption

Wichita, Kansas, Stepparent Adoption Lawyer

A close family unit is important to raising any child. Some families may have already established this internally; however, certain relationships may not yet have been established legally. An evolving and new family deserves the same protections under the law as any other traditional family. If you are a stepparent, you may have been wanting to adopt your stepchildren for many years. If you are a new stepparent, you may find stepparent adoption to be greatly beneficial for the whole family. Stepparent adoption could be the next step for your family.

High Quality and Compassionate Stepparent Adoption Services

Consider stepparent adoption and seek secure legal representation at McDowell Chartered, in Wichita, Kansas. Our family law practice not only includes private adoptions but has particular experience in stepparent adoptions. Our law firm does many stepparent adoptions. We can discuss your individual circumstance with you and how stepparent adoption might be a great step for your children and family unit as a whole. Wichita, Kansas, stepparent adoption lawyer, Thomas C. McDowell, has over 10 years of legal experience. Please contact our Kansas law firm to schedule an initial consultation. We would be happy to answer any of your questions.

Stepparent Adoption Process

Stepparent adoption may require consent to adopt by the natural parent. In most stepparent adoption cases, the natural parent has been estranged. The stepparent has come in and fulfilled this role as either the mother or the father. Either the stepparent adoption attorney or the client can attempt communication with the natural parent to see if they want to voluntarily consent to the adoption in advance of any further legal fees (with the exception of the initial consult).

However, a natural parent may refuse consent. Even if the natural parent is in arrears on child support, has not spent time with the children or completely abandoned the child, stepparent adoption requires a showing of proof. It must be shown that the natural parent has not provided financial and emotional support for at least a two-year period.

In some instances, we may be able to receive consent from a natural parent, if they are deeply behind on child support. The natural parent may consent to the adoption in exchange for relieving them of child support arrearages.

Benefits of Kansas Stepparent Adoption

There are many benefits to stepparent adoption. A child who is officially adopted by a stepparent is often given a sense of belonging and permanency in a new family. He or she may have been longing for both a mother and father figure. In some of our stepparent adoption cases, the stepparent adoption has even been given as a “gift” to the child. Furthermore, by terminating the rights of an absent natural parent, it provides more stability and consistency for the child. Also, an estate planning advantage is that the child is given the right to inherit from the stepparent.

In particular, Kansas military personnel who are stationed here are allowed to do stepparent adoptions in the Kansas courts, despite legal residence elsewhere. McDowell Chartered has done many stepparent adoptions for military families at McConnell Air Force Base.

Contact Our Experienced Kansas Adoption Attorney

We represent clients mainly in the cities of Wichita, Andover, and El Dorado as well as the counties of Butler, Sumner, and Reno. Consider McDowell Chartered in assisting you with your stepparent adoption. Call our law firm in Kansas to schedule an appointment.

“Putting Children First”

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