Kansas Adoption Attorney Discusses What Happens after the Baby is Born

As with all things related to adoption, the rules and procedures that apply to an adoption depend upon what state the birth and adoption take place in. One common question that birth parents often have about adoption is whether they will be able to spend any time with their baby after they give birth. This is an important question because the feelings of a birth parent can change dramatically during the days and hours before and after labor and delivery.

The feelings of some parents towards choosing adoption for their child will remain the same or be even stronger after the child is born. These parents can take heart in knowing that they can then relinquish their parental rights twelve hours or more after the birth. (K.S.A. 59-2116) Other parents may find that the experience of giving birth and then holding their baby and caring for them after they are born changes their view towards adoption dramatically. These parents can feel relief in knowing that they do not have to relinquish their parental rights immediately after the birth. They can take some time to think about whether they still want to relinquish their rights and move forward with adoption, and if they choose to relinquish their parental rights, they may do so anytime after the twelve hours has passed.

The minimum twelve hour waiting period between a baby