
What Does Child in Need of Care Mean in Kansas

Most parents don’t experience involvement with the court system while raising their children; sometimes cases arise where the state feels the need to step in. This often occurs in abuse or neglect matters, and it can also occur in a Child in Need of Care case where the court decides if and how the state


Can ICWA Affect My Kansas Adoption? Answered by a Kansas Adoption Attorney

ICWA, or the Indian Child Welfare Act, was established by the Federal government in 1978 to ensure regulations were in place to protect Native American children and families’ rights in particular aspects. In various cases of adoption in Kansas, birth parents may report some Native American ancestry. Based on this reporting, The Indian Child Welfare


Can a Biological Parent Contest a Stepparent Adoption?

A common type of adoption in Kansas and states across the United States is stepparent adoption. In addition to a private or agency adoption, stepparent adoption allows the stepparent of child to obtain legal rights of a child and make legal decisions on their behalf as a natural parent would. Most adoptive stepparents have concerns


Do I Need an Attorney to Adopt a Child in Kansas?

Deciding to grow your family can be a very exciting and emotional time. The adoption process can be complicated and the laws regulating the process are governed by each individual state. It is important to understand the laws in Kansas specifically to ensure you are adequately prepared, or discuss the legal process that is required


Legal Process Required for Stepparent Adoption

With the large amount of divorces that occur each year, it is no surprise that the number of stepparent adoptions have increased as well. Some of the most supportive and healthy family dynamics have been created through stepparents adopting their stepchildren, and our firm supports the expansion of Kansas families. Stepparents and families who wish

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