
Can a Second Parent Adopt a Child in Kansas?

When a same sex couple has a child, the parental relationship is primarily comprised of a biological parent and a second non-biological parent, also called a co-parent. Although the second parent may have an emotional, physical and custodial relationship with the child, they do not have the same legal rights as a biological parent. A


Custody Agreement: An Alternative to Adoption in Kansas

If you are a stepparent or a second parent seeking to adopt a child in Kansas, however you would like to explore other options, establishing a custody agreement may be beneficial. For a variety of reasons adopting a child may not be the most feasible or best option for your family, but you still wish


How to Adopt a Stepchild in Kansas

The average American family is anything but traditional these days and can be created in a variety of ways. One of which includes the adoption of a child by their stepparent. Oftentimes a couple may be married and share mutual responsibilities and roles when it comes to their child, however the stepparent may not legally


What is an Embryo Adoption?

With the growing popularity of the term embryo adoption, it is important to fully understand its meaning and what the process entails. If you are considering an embryo adoption there may be factors to the process you are unaware of that may help prepare you to make a decision. In vitro fertilization and surrogacy still

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