Author name: James Greenier


How Can Grandparents Legally Adopt their Grandchildren in Kansas?

When it comes to the abilities and rights of a grandparent in regard to their grandchild, adoption is the most extreme. In Kansas, when a relative or family member wishes to adopt a child, this is call Kinship Adoption. A grandparent can petition for custody or visitation rights of their grandchild, however filing for adoption […]


How Can Stepparents Adopt their Spouse

Situations often arise where one parent of a biological child remarries, and the stepparent of a child wishes to adopt that child. There are also other scenarios where a stepparent may want or need to adopt a child, however this is usually the most common. For a stepparent to be able to adopt a child,


Kansas Adoption Attorneys Explore Multiple Child Adoption Cases

Some families set out to adopt multiple children simultaneously, whether they be siblings, children from the same orphanage, or simply unrelated children. Other families begin by seeking one child but end up adopting multiple children because the children are siblings or they fall in love with more than one child.


10 Things that Every Kansas Stepparent Should Know about Stepparent Adoption

One of the most common forms of adoption in Kansas is stepparent adoption. During a stepparent adoption, the stepparent assumes the legal and financial responsibility of his or her spouses biological children, just as if they were their own. When this happens, the non-custodial biological parent relinquishes rights to the child, including parental responsibilities, child


Kansas Foster Care System Awarded 2.9 Million to Help Children

Across Kansas, one of the most devastating statistics is the fact that one out of every five children in the foster care system has suffered the effects of parents or guardians who abuse illegal substances. When substance abuse factors into foster care and adoption, it is often more difficult to smoothly resolve issues and find


Ebola Affects United States Adoptions: What Kansas Families Need to Know

There is no question that the latest Ebola scare throughout the world has affected many areas of life. Unfortunately, recent media reports indicate that adoption is one of those areas being affected, which can cause significant emotional and financial complications for families attempting to adopt. According to one media report, at least one United States

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