A Stepparents

Stepparent adoption is a very common form of adoption in Kansas and across the nation. Everyday families seek to legalize the relationship a stepparent and stepchild have formed and formally strengthen it through the legal system. Kansas allows stepparents to adopt their stepchildren, and the process is relatively simple if certain criteria and requirements are met. It is very important to note and understand the gravity of what a stepparent adoption entails and that the legal rights of a biological parent are terminated, and the stepparent steps into the role in all capacities. The adoption process also includes relieving the non-custodial parent from all parental responsibilities, including current and future child support.

Parental Consent and Termination of Rights

When a stepparent decides he or she wishes to adopt their stepchild it is usually required that both parents provide consent to the adoption. In the majority of instances the biological parent married to the stepparent provides consent but the other biological parent may or may not be willing to terminate their rights and offer the required consent. In addition, the current custodial situation, financial support or relationship the other parent has with the child is irrelevant. However, there are certain circumstances where the court will proceed with an adoption even if the parent who is being

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