What Subsidies and Assistance Are Available for Adopting a Child With Special Needs in Kansas?

Individuals or families in Kansas that are interested in adopting a child in Kansas may have questions regarding subsidies and financial assistance that is available. Kansas offers a variety of programs that encourage child adoption so prospective parents who have a heart and desire to adopt are not deterred for financial reasons. In addition, specific assistance and subsidies are available for families interested in adopting a child with special needs.

Every year children with varying disabilities or challenges are seeking and need loving homes. Because children with such needs may incur additional medical or therapeutic financial expenses, the government does not want to hold back the adoption process of such children. Such subsidy and assistance programs can offer the additional resources families need to adequately care for a child with special needs in the way they deserve. Special needs subsidies become active at the time the adoption is finalized and usually last until the child turns 18 unless there is evidence that the need continues into the age of majority and assistance may be extended.

How Federal and State Subsidy Programs Work

Across the nation and in the state of Kansas, specific assistance programs exist to facilitate the additional financial requirements an adopted child with special needs may experience. Federal and state adoption assistance programs, commonly referred to as Title IV-E and non-Title IV-E respectively, were created to encourage special needs adoption and provide parents with the resources they need and require. Based on the child

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