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Gay and Lesbian Adoptive Parents: Issues and Concerns, Part II

Gay and Lesbian Adoptive Parents: Issues and Concerns, Part II
January 20, 2014 James Greenier

In addition to the issues and concerns raised in Part I, there are a few other key points that are addressed and equally necessary to this discussion. Gay and lesbian adoptive parents are faced with various complexities regarding the relationship, development, and nurturing of an adoptive child. Other relevant questions concerning this subject matter are further examined below:

“Is There Greater Likelihood Children Raised in Homosexual Households Will Become Gay?” The majority of research indicates there is no greater likelihood of children becoming homosexual if their parents are gay or lesbian versus children who are raised by heterosexual parents.  Furthermore, evidence suggests that if heterosexual parenting is not enough to guarantee a child will also be heterosexual, it cannot be rationalized that a child will be gay if his/her parents are homosexual. Findings of a more detailed study show that when children of gay fathers were asked to disclose their sexual orientation, the majority of these children were heterosexual, and the proportion of gay children were comparable to those selected from a random sampling of the population. The same study also concluded that a vast majority of the child participants born to gay or lesbian parents, showed no evidence of serious or substantial disturbances of any kind in the individual development or perception of sexual identity among these children.

“Will Children Develop Problems Growing Up in a Homosexual Household?” Without any conclusive data, courts have expressed concern over the challenges children raised by gay and lesbian parents face with their own self-esteem, personal and psychological development, and social and intimate relationships.  Due to this potentially detrimental and overarching perception, researchers have taken greater interest on child development in gay and lesbian families. The overwhelming majority of studies conclude that children of gay or lesbian parents display no distinction from children raised by heterosexual parents. It should also be noted that much research has shown that despite theories and predictions about children and psychosocial development, not one study has found children of gay or lesbian parents to be disadvantaged in any important and substantial way relative to children of heterosexual parents.  Many others in the field that agree with such findings, pointing out there is not any conclusive literature that indicates children of gay and lesbian parents fare any worse in any area of psychological development or sexual identity formation than children of heterosexual parents.  It is more important that a parent, regardless of their own sexual preference, has the capacity to be supportive and respectful of their child’s personal choices and decisions, than simply the exposure and knowledge of a parent’s sexual orientation alone.

“Will Children Be Molested by Homosexual Parents?” There is absolutely no legitimate scientific research showing any connection between homosexuality and pedophilia. It is important to be aware that sexual orientation, whether homosexual or heterosexual, is delineated as adult attraction toward other adults. On the other hand, pedophilia is defined as an adult perversion or sexual attraction towards children. To put this into perspective, in a recent study only two offenders out of nearly 300, were found to be gay or lesbian in a random grouping of child sexual abuse cases. The findings further established that in cases where a man molested a boy, the majority of the men had been in or were currently involved in a heterosexual relationship with the boy’s mother or another female relative. Overall, the research was clear in concluding that a child was over one hundred times at greater risk of being molested by his or her relative’s heterosexual than by someone who might identified as homosexual.

If you are a gay or lesbian prospective adoptive parent and have questions or concerns regarding child adoption, call McDowell Chartered legal services at 316-269-0746 for more information. Our staff of experienced Wichita adoption lawyers can assist you with all aspects of the adoption process!